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Difference Between Quartz And Glass

Quartz and glass both are the forms of crystals used for several purposes including industrial application and decorative utility. The common application of glass is to make windows, prisms, pendants, chandeliers, and several types of household jewelry like necklaces. While quartz is ordinarily employed in electronic devices, watch batteries and many large-scale purposes such as files, plant materials, ceramics, and cement. Quartz is an adequate metal made of a regular structure of the SiO4 triangular pyramid. Pure quartz is colorless and sheer or transparent. On the other hand, glass is a non-crystalline form, usually fragile, translucent thick material made of silica has the ability to reflect and spread light as per the sources of regular optics. There are some major differences between quartz and glass.

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  • The presence of silicon dioxide content is the primary difference between both the elements. The amount of silicon dioxide contained by artificial quartz crystals is 99 percent, while cut glass crystal contains up to 80 percent of silicon dioxide. Besides, the amount of lead contained by glass products is normally 32 percent, which is used to improve the glass quality. The quality of glass and quartz is conditioned on the quantity of light.
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  • Obtaining color in glass can involve two methods either by combining electrically loaded particles that are similarly distributed or by pressing excellently dispersed particles. A soften glass can obtain an amber color from a reducing flaming atmosphere. Pure quartz which is traditionally called rock crystal has no color and it is translucent. The popular colored range involves rose quartz, citrine, smoky quartz, milky quartz, and amethyst.
  • And the last difference between these elements is the importance of both the elements in the industrial market. Glass is a safe electrical insulator and quartz glass is a great electrical conductor so that they are integrated with several industrial products.